Friday, October 7, 2011


hmmm so I believe that my car is a 2013 ford f-150 :D all black with silver bumpers. So what I ain't like every other girl who want a little sports car that seat two people, if you are going to have a gas gusling vehicle why not have a big ass truck that seats six and is awesome? I have been told that I am one of the only girls that wants a truck as her dream car! This truck is extremely expensive but it is vary nice! I want a 4-wheel drive so i can go off road! A main reason I want this truck is because
2. Its perfect for going camping, going up in the snow, tundra, mountains etc.
3. Because its a great vehicle to bring friends in!
I mean yea I am small but WHO CARES? This truck is like perfect! it is so sexy I like cry everytime I see one because I just want it! Considering the fact that it will cost a lot of money for gas just means that I have to get a really good job! Which is good to think about! If I every have a big family this would be the perfect truck to get!! SOOO even though I probably won't ever get this truck in my life I can still DREAM about it! KEY reason its called DREAM CAR!!

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