Tuesday, October 11, 2011


"Why do people judge and bully? EVERYONE has the right to be themselves. People are judged and bullied everywhere I look. At school mostly. People seem to think it's fun and okay to do that." By Brianna Stagnaro 

   So I totally agree with Brianna. Throughout my whole life I have been bullied because I was always smaller, weaker, etc. Seems like bullying and judging is everywhere I turn. I dislike seeing peope get bullied because I know how it felt to feel like your not good enough.
   Being bullied or judged isn't fun. I'll be straight forward I have caught myself judging someone and I get so upset because I don't want to be like that. Personally I wish that bullying didn't exist. Many people commited suicide becasue of some sort of abuse weather it be over text, computor or in person it still isn't right. NO ONE deserves to feel like they need to hide or avoid someone. I wish people would just grow up and stop this petty bull shit. I mean seriously we are in high school now there is no need tp bully any one. Judging isn't even necesary. Everyone should be able to do or wear what they want! Thats how you express yourself!! STOP JUDGING AND BULLYING!!!!

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