Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(FREE) DREAMS....?!?!

  Deferred dreams... What happens to them? It's different for everyone. There are many different outcomes for deferred dreams, it just depends on the person. For some they disappear, others they stick with them till the end of time! With me it depends on the dream. I have had many useless dreams when I was younger and now I don't really care about them. There are some people who never give up on a lost dream, But then there's people who just forget about them! No one human is alike with another! Every one is different so they deal with things differently.
  Dreams aren't just things you have when you fall asleep, Dreams can be compared to goals! They pave the way for our future... So many people give up on their dreams as if there is no hope for them. Any one can do anything they set their mind to! It may sound cliche but its true! DREAMS aren't and shouldn't be forgotten unless they are usless to you! 
  Even as a child we dreamed about being something or doing something with our lives just because we are older doesn't mean we can't dream about our future!! Especially at this age! Even elders should still dream! DREAMS lighten the mood!! Deferred dreams should NEVER be forgotten!

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