Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(RE) Where would we be...

"Where do I begin? Our whole life is part of the internet. We like literally live off it. I don't know what would even happen to some people if they didn't have internet for like a week or a month. Our world is so complex now with the internet. Back in the days, our school would never use it." -Vicky Hoang 

I totally AGREE with Vicky. I hardly remember a time when we didn't have electronics! I mean some people go loco when they go one day without facebook! What would happpen if we had a city wide black-out? Some kids would go CRAZY!! 
Internet isn't everythin I mean ya its usefull but it can be addicting sometimes. It had gotten many people in trouble!! I mean even I have gotten in trouble for being on the computor till 2am! I am not afraid to admitt that I use the computor too much! I am constantly on facebook because I have an IPhone so its like I am not different from any other teenager these days! Even adults got addicted to the internet... Some adults jobs revolve around the computor. Personally I would hate to have a job where I was ALWAYS on the computor! 
That would just be horrible to have a job where you are glued to a computor screen!
I mean the internet has changed everyone life form little kids to elders. It actually makes me miss times where the computer wasn't everything! I mean how many families do you know of that still have family dinner's and family game night's? Look at what internet has done to us!!

1 comment:

  1. Eh, I don't think our problem with family structure is due specifically to the internet.
    Also, you give the internet WAY to little credit! What about the people you would normally talk to maybe only once a year without the internet? I would say the internet has brought us together in many ways.
    Maybe you have a niche hobby, like collecting lawn gnomes. You might never find someone in your life with the same hobby as you, but in the digital age you're sure to be able to find others with it!
    Yeah, I love and appreciate the internet, but it isn't my whole life...
