Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(RE) 9 YEAR-OLD as a designated driver

In this video a 9 year little girl is a designated driver for her drunk father. In that video you can see the nined year old girl getting out of the front front seat and escorts her father into the store and her dad as drunk as could be and is rambling on daughter is driving him around! He picked up a case of beer and a carmal apple for his daughter! as they leave the store the little girl hops into the front seat! A man follew them and called 911! The father is neing charged with child abuse and reckless driving! 
Personally I totally agree with these charges! Its a form of child abuse because he is leaving the house at 3am in the morning and this little girl is forced to take care of her father! As her father is given his verdict he sheds a tear! Many people have no sympathy for him, his family is embarrassed and disapointed in him! I mean wouldn't you be disapointend in your father if he did that to you?      
That is extremely dangerous to have a little girl driving her drunken father around! What kind of example is this setting? An awesome chick named Kenna said "Hell Yea! throw that motherfucka UNDER the jail!" hopefully this man understands that he scared his little girl for life! I pray that this never happens again! This poor little girl is probably never going to forget this!! I'm going to keep this girl in my prayers!

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