Friday, October 7, 2011

(RE) Rain , Rain go away come again ANOTHER day :)

"Meh, I'm not a big fan of the rain, but after that super hot week last week, it feels nice and relaxing. I like hearing the sound of it. I just don't like getting wet in it. But in this cold weather, you can put on as many layers of clothes you want and be warm and comfy." -Vicky Hoang 

So I completely agree with Vicky. Except that I LOVE the rain! Most people say that rain "is depressing." Personally ran lifts me up, Whenever it rains I always go outside and chill in it! Of course I have an umbrella but the smell after it rains is amazing! RAIN WEATHER=CUDDLE WEATHER!
haha so yea rain is awesome. The feeling of knowing that you can finally wrap up in blankets is just so comforting! Hot Chocolate, Soup, Warm blankets, Sweats and a good movie is all you need when it rains! Especially after all this ridiculous heat! Even when I am in school I still love the rain. When I was younger I thought that when it rained the clouds were crying. For some weird reason rain always makes me happy no matter what! I mean come on who wouldnt love going out and playing in puddles and getting to have cute rain boots that match your umbrella? I Remeber when I missed the rain a year ago when we were begging for it because of the drought! Well I think that is plenty about my love of rain! probably extremely bored nowbut WHO CARES?!  

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