Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(CE) Six months since tragedy hit Japan.

 This is a video about Japan's Disaster. It has been six months since the first tsunami hit. When I first heard about what was happening in Japan I got really scared because one of my friends who is like my big brother is stationed in Japan. Everyday I would try to get ahold of him and everyday he didn't reply I got even more scared. Some people say that all these natural disasters happening around the world are the mark of the world ending. Personally I think it is just been waiting to happen. In this video people stand around one of the spots that were affected by this disaster and having a moment of silence. 23,000,000 millions of du-brief has been cleaned up. This man has been waiting for his wife of 40 years to come back he says that he does not care what she looks like and that yes it is possible she could be alive, He just wants her home. Japan has a nuclear plant in it and it was damaged by this disaster, so many people were afraid to go to Japan because of the possibility of a chemical leak throughout the country. Many lives were taken during this horrible disaster and many mourn today because of the loss of loved ones. The first earthquake that hit was after the tsunami at a 9.0 magnitude and did severe damage to the country. The tsunami caused houses to literally flout away as if it was never attached to the ground.  I pray for the families who were torn apart by these repeated earthquakes and the tsunami.  

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