Thursday, September 8, 2011

(BC) Est. 1996

Hello my name is Jennifer Nicole Cully, I was born in Santa Rosa CA on May 22, 1996 at 11:30am in the morning. When Mr. Sutherland assigned this essay I honestly knew I was going to have issues writing this. I have never really liked writing about myself, I feel really selfish. But I guess I have no choice right now so here I go.
         My school life isn’t very special. Last year I was a very bad student and I strongly regret that. Due to my bad grades I have to take two classes again and I truly think I deserve it. This year I plan on doing really good in school. My favorite subject in school is History. I have always been good in history, high school history won’t be exactly the same as middle school history but it will still be fun. Geography is also really fun learning about different countries cultures, religions, resources, etc. This year is going to be a good year I can feel it.
         My family history is actually not that interesting. All that I know about is that I am the whitest person you’ll ever meet. I am British, English, Scottish, Swedish, German, Irish, Russian and Cherokee Indian. Even though I and my immediate family may not get along I do still love them. The one quote I truly love is “Family is there when friends aren’t”. I have only met my entire mom’s side because her side of the family lives in California. My dad’s side of the family lives back east. I cannot wait till I get to meet my dad’s side of the family. Just a few years back my father’s Great Aunt passed away and it was really hard on my dad’s family. Nevertheless in the end family means everything to me.
         There aren’t many things people don’t know about me. I don’t really keep secrets from people. The people that are close to me know almost everything about me. I hold my friends very close to me. Without some of my friends I wouldn’t be where I am today. Some of my not very close friends only know certain things about me. I usually don’t tell my friends everything just because I feel like it may not be important to them. So yeah there really isn’t much to know about some people didn’t know that I went to a private school till 5th grade or that I am a natural blonde. Well I guess that is it for this section.
          To finish this off I am going to talk about my writing goals for this year. My goals for this year are to be able to write an essay on the spot kind of like the “Quick Write” exercise. I also want to be able to get better with punctuation, grammar, and spelling. My goals are just pretty basic nothing major. I do like English and I hope to get better at it by the end of this year.
So that all I can think of that you could possible know About Me.
The End (:

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