Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(FREE) Alameda Hornets vs. NorthGate Broncos

Last Friday our very own Alameda High School football team played against the NorthGate Broncos. I only watched the JV and VAR games. Sadly, we lost both. The final score for JV was 0 to 33, and for the VAR game it was 28 to 55. There were so many people there supporting our football teams first home game. Even though we lost we still did good! I got to see some people I haven't seen in awhile, like a few people who graduated. I met a few new people at the game had alot of laughs and had an amazing time. Going to thsi game makes me want to go to the Island Bowl even more.
I was really glad I went to the game cheering on our team was an awesome way to end my day. Even though I am not amazingly educated on football I know the basics. Throughout the JV game I kept hearing Biruk's name he was on a role! I don't know everyone on th e JV football team but the ones I did know I told them they did a good job! At first I didn't really want to go because I had a long day at school, But it was totally worth it to have gone! hung out with alot of people and just had fun overall. No matter if our football team wins or looses I always tell them good job because they try their hardest and don't give up! That is really important when it comes to sports.

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