Thursday, September 8, 2011

(RE) The Time of 9/11

"Giving that i was only six when this tragedy happened, it never hit me how horrible this was. But I still remember watching the buildings fall." - Laura Jarecki 

I just read Laura's post and this is what stuck out most to me. I was only a year younger then Laura when this happened and like her all i remember is the building fall. September 11, 2001 was such a tragic day. Many people lost their life's'. I was only 5 when this happened. My parents repeatedly told me when I asked questions " You will understand when you are older." All I remember is waking up and on every new station the news caster played the same video over and over over again and I didn't know why. Two American Airliners (passenger planes) going straight into the top of the Twin Towers. They weren't directly one after the other they were about 10 minutes apart in time.
 I didn't understand what was going on, I just kept asking questions trying to understand. Was it an accident? What is a terrorist? Why did this happen? Why is everyone crying? Why did the bad man fly the plain into the building? These questions kept running threw my mind. It still does to this day, So close to the anniversary and people are again talking about it. Everyone was horrified at what had happened in when the first plane hit and just stunned and stared in disbelief with tears running down their faces covered in dust. Many people lost their life's that day. A total of 4 planes came down; two into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and one that was meant for The White House but crashed into a Pennsylvania field thanks to brave passengers who fought the terrorist because they had been warned by family of the other plane crashes. This is a day of  grieving and remembrance of those who gave their lives to save others. September 11, 2011 it will have been 10 years since this tragedy has happened and people are still trying to understand why and how they could do this?  
So many innocent people died on that day and even though I did not personally know anyone involved in this tragedy, no one deserves to have lost there lives nor do their families deserve to have to deal with such a loss. Nearly 3,000 people died because of the actions of these terrorist. I pray each year that the people will not forget these brave individuals actions, and not just focus on the actions of the terrorist. 

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