Tuesday, September 13, 2011


"Most guys now-a-days think with their "lower" body. There's more to a relationship than just sex especially when you're like 14 or 15! It's dumb! Guys think it's "cool" of them to break a girls heart then go to someone else the next day. I mean please, all it does is make you look like a heartless douche-bag." -Brianna Stagnaro-Green

I totally agree with Brianna. Yes Brianna is my best friend and she is like a sister to me. We have had many conversations about boys. She has always been there for me whenever I go threw guy troubles. Guys in this time are heartless at times, I mean there are some genuine guys but most of them are all just looking for sex. Like seriously it seems like guys are just out to hurt girls. Sometimes they may not mean it but they seem to always do it. Sort of seems like some guys just act the way they are to look cool. Like "Monkey see Monkey do" once one guy does it they all sort of follow. I have had my heart broken and I believe almost every girl has. Girls fall a lot harder then guys do, Most guys can just bounce back and its as easy as that. Males need to start thinking about how it would feel if they had their heart broken. Some girls give into peer pressure and end up doing something they truly regret. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for the guy to say "NO" for once. Ever thought of that? It wouldn't be horrible if the guy was the one who said "NO" for once. 

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, this sort of misogyny is intolerable. Don't worry, there are definitely people out there who don't consider themselves a part of this harmful culture where girls are seen as objects. Not all males are the same!
