Saturday, September 17, 2011

(RE) LOVE is louder... than the pressure to be PERFECT

"Three months ago, If you asked me if I liked Demi Lovato, I would have cringed while saying "ew, no." But ever since she went into rehab for her eating disorder/cutting, I've really been inspired. The media and america tells us that to be beautiful, you must be skinny and perfect. People ant to be "beautiful", so they develop eating disorders like anorexia, or in Demi's case - Bulimia. Which are looked down upon." - Kenna

I totally agree with Kenna. I have always liked Demi Lovato  Once everyone I found out that Demi Lovato went to rehab they thought she shouldn't be aloud to be seen on Disney Channel because she is a bad influence. But don't you think that is she kept it in and never went to rehab that would be even worse. Kenna totally called it that when someone is put down by others you don't know what happens. There have been stories about kids who kill themselves over what other people think, Demi reached out for help and chose to go to rehab. I personally think that she is inspiring for what she did. Demi started a campaign called "LOVE is louder... than the pressure to be PERFECT." Demi story was published in Seventeen magazine a few months ago and that is how I found out about all of this. Demi has inspired millions of teenage girls across the country. She is telling us that you don't have to be perfect, If you like yourself then you should not worry about what other people think. This campaign probably saved a lot of lives or just made someone's  day. Clearly no one is perfect but there is always someone who thinks they are and will make you feel like you need to be like them. Don't listen to them you are who you are and you should LOVE that. Always remember that no one is perfect and "LOVE is louder.... than the pressure to be PERFECT."  

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