Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(FREE) My Future...?

Some people have their futures planned out and know exactly what they're going to do after high school. Then there are the people who don't even want to think about their future till Senior year. Me I am not completely sure what I want to do after high school. I know high school is almost over and we should be thinking about exactly what we want to do. Honestly it scares me to think about my future, all on my own having to support myself. I mean I have ideas of what I am going to do but life is unpredictable no one can tell exactly what they are going to be. I would like to be a Vet or a Preschool teacher. Both of these would be really good for me because I love animals and I love working with kids. Of course I want a family and such, But almost everyone has a dream that they will become a millionaire and I have thought that before but we have to face reality and actually think of what we will do. We aren't able to depend on our parents forever. My parents are teaching me how to use money wisely and I am not the best at that. To be a Vet or even a Teacher I am going to have to be good in math and science. To be able to live on your own you will have to be able to use your money wisely and not spend it on worthless things. My future will not be perfect and I will hit some bumps in the road but thats what shapes us as people.

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