Saturday, September 17, 2011


       Its a pitch black bedroom and Sam doesn't know where she is going. She can hear her heart racing and she feels the nervousness creeping up her back. All Sam needs is her phone but she isn't sure what she could run into. As she walks into an unfamiliar room she waves her hands around seeing what is in the room. She feels something with a tip sort of like a TV. Sam keeps walking, she isn't sure what she will be next. Sam gets even more scared and is trembling after every step she takes. Sam is paranoid and she's heard stories about this room being haunted. She hears a creak and a deep terrifying laugh. She stands still in fright, Sam can't stay still for long all she needs is her phone. 
      Earlier that day Sam and her best-friend only went into the house because of a dare. They were fine at first till they heard a terrifying screeching that sounds like a woman being stabbed they both ran out immediately in complete horror Sam realized when she was halfway out that she must have dropped her phone, her friend was long gone by then. The house lights were flickering on and off but no one was there. Sam was on the verge of tears, she heard a ringing sounded like her phone so she speed walked into the room where she heard the noise she then discovered it wasn't her phone she got even more scared her heart rate spiked and she was feeling woozy she screamed "hello, is anyone there?" No reply. She could hear footsteps upstairs she said again "Hello" you could hear the terror in her voice. No one replied so she rushed to the room she was in before she ran out. 
      The room was as dark as could be she couldn't hear or see anything. The room looks like a cave, it doesn't help that Sam is deathly afraid of the dark. Her knees are trembling and she is clenching her fists in terror. A tear runs down her face as she is feeling around, Sam can't feel anything until she runs her hand across a uneven surface, not knowing what it is she feels around and she can't find her phone she drops to her knee frantically searching on the floor to see if her phone is there. She feels dirt and dust. Behind her she heard a creek and then a slam. The door had slammed shut and wouldn't open.
      Sam panics and rushes to find her phone she touches everywhere and runs her fingers over the floor twice and finally feels her phone she picks it up and runs to the door. She is banging with all her might, her heart is pounding and her muscles tighten she is in complete shock. Breathing heavily she runs to the window and punches it. Her hand appears to be red, blood is gushing out and she is in agony. The glass shattered everywhere she jumps threw the jagged  glass that is left on the window frame and runs her cloths are ripped and she has cuts everywhere she is screaming and crying heart is racing and all she can do is run.

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